How do I change the nameservers for my product?

Nameservers for a domain managed via can be changed via our control panel.

  1. Log in to the control panel:
  2. Select the domain you want to manage
  3. Choose DNS in the menu on the left
  4. At the bottom of the page under "Set nameservers"
  5. Delete the existing values and enter in the new nameservers

Please note that if you change nameservers to a different host, and the DNS records at the new host are not set up correctly, both your website and email might stop working.

Specific for .dk domains

Changing nameservers for .dk domains is dependent on whether the domain is reseller- or registrant-managed.

Reseller-managed domains (

The nameservers on a domain can be changed through our control panel.

  1. Select the domain you want to manage
  2. Press DNS in the menu to the left
  3. Click the Set nameservers button underneath the DNS records table
  4. Delete all the filled fields and insert the desired nameservers.

Registrant-managed domains

On a registrant-managed domain, nameservers must be changed through Punktum dk.

See their guide here:

You can also switch the domain to management, after which the nameservers can be set directly through our Control Panel.

Prerequisites to be able to change nameservers on .dk domains

  • The new nameservers must be approved by
  • You have ordered a domain transfer with your new domain provider.
  • The name servers must also respond authoritatively for the domain name, i.e. the domain name must be correctly set up on the name servers.

Article from the support category: Domain & DNS