Mail restrictions and policies

To ensure the most optimal usage of our mail system, we have a number of restrictions for both senders and receivers. Our restrictions follow usual policies for mail and are set to protect against abuse of our mail services. The typical user will not experience any restrictions by using our services normally. We are monitoring and adjusting our restrictions when it is needed.

Incoming mail

  • 60 incoming mails pr. minute, pr. receiver
  • 3600 incoming mails pr. hour, pr. receiver
  • 86400 incoming mails pr. day, pr. receiver
  • 200 incoming mails pr. minute, pr. receiver-domain
  • 200 incoming mails pr. minute, pr. sender-domain
  • 300 incoming mails pr. minute, pr. sender-server
  • No limit to the size of the mail
  • No limit to the number of receivers pr. mail
  • Max 20 concurrent POP3/IMAP connections pr. IP-address, pr. mail account

When exceeding these limitations, the mail will be rejected with a “temperror”, which means that the sender server, by default automatically will try again later.

Outgoing mail (

  • Requires logging in with a user name and password.
  • This server can not be used for sending emails from's web servers
  • No limit to the size of the mail
  • May not be used for sending out newsletters, bulk mail, cold emailing, unsolicited email marketing or automated e-mail marketing.
  • An email account may be suspended automatically, if the above rules are broken, or if more 300 mails are sent, within a period of 4 hours

Outgoing mail (

  • This server is limited to being used from web servers
  • May not be used for cold emailing or unsolicited email marketing.
  • No limits to the number of mails being sent
  • No limits to the size of the mails
  • No limit to the number of receivers pr. mail

Article from the support category: Mail